A message from ACOSVO's Interim Chief Executive

Jayne Stuart on leading ACOSVO through this exciting new chapter


It is a privilege to be saying hello as Interim CEO of ACOSVO. I’m hugely excited to be taking up this role.

Last week we said a fond farewell to Pat, who over almost 20 years built ACOSVO into the excellent organisation it now is. She has done this with energy, determination, kindness, and genuine collaboration. She has become a friend and role model to many, a leader amongst leaders, and we are going to miss her enormously.

I am clear that as I take over for a short period, my role is to lead a safe transition before handing the reins over to our new CEO as they lead a new and exciting chapter for ACOSVO.

Foremost in my mind is maintaining the current high levels of service and support that we offer to members and responding to the challenges facing our sector’s leadership. Working closely with our Board, team and partners, we are focused on ensuring our members are engaged and served well, and ACOSVO continues as a sustainable and well led organisation.

Foremost in my mind is maintaining the current high levels of service and support that we offer to members and responding to the challenges facing our sector’s leadership. Working closely with our Board, team and partners, we are focused on ensuring our members are engaged and served well, and ACOSVO continues as a sustainable and well led organisation.

In May this year, we held our Board and staff away day, when we agreed to adapt and extend our Strategic Plan for a further year to offer time for our new CEO to lead the development of a new strategy for April 2024 onwards.

We continue to offer a full range of events and services - do have a look at what’s on offer in our events programme - I’d love to meet you at a workshop or a member networking session. Most excitingly, we are now taking bookings for our 2022 Annual Conference – The Magic of Metamorphosis: Re-imagining Leadership taking place October 25th at the City Art Centre in Edinburgh. With a brilliant programme designed specifically for our members we hope it will be a thought provoking and valuable day. Our AGM will be held that day as will a networking reception in the evening, so please come along to meet colleagues and of course our new CEO.

Finally, thank you to everyone who has continued to support us all at ACOSVO. We are incredibly grateful to have so much goodwill and best wishes offered throughout this time of change – a reflection of what makes the ACOSVO tribe so special and important to us.