
 What would it feel like to walk in the shoes of another? Our Leadership Exchange programme pairs leaders from across sectors to improve leadership capacity between peers.

The purpose is to provide a platform for cross-sector knowledge sharing where leaders can gain an insight into the different cultures, constraints and opportunities their counterparts work with.

With leaders matched from the Scottish Government, banking, NHS, Police Scotland, voluntary sector, and much more, this is a unique opportunity to expand your network, see things differently, and build connections across boundaries.

For more information, come along to our free info session which will take place online on the 9th of September, 12:30- 13:30. Book your place here.

Gillian Middleton, Depute CEO, Early Years Scotland took part in the March 2023 cohort. She shares her experience on the programme in this blog.


How an Exchange works

A Leadership Exchange takes the form of flexible meetings where you and your partner take part in activities to learn more about each other’s world of work. These activities might include: shadowing each other at work, attending meetings/events together, meeting informally out with the work environment, it’s up to you!


 next cohort dateS: 14th March 2025 And 10th October 2025


The Leadership Exchange programme operates twice yearly matching cohorts.

You can sign-up to the programme at any time, and your details will be held on file and reviewed along with other applicants as part of our March or October cohort, whichever is sooner.

We will then be back in touch to propose a suitable exchange match soon after the next cohort date.

The programme is FREE for ACOSVO members and Chairs Network Scotland participants. For non-members of ACOSVO, we operate a £80 matching fee charge, payable on application.

Seeing things from a different perspective was more than just a momentary insight, it helped me leave my bubble and look around me.
— leadership exchange feedback


Leadership Exchange Blogs & Articles